redundant words

Redundancy: Word Faults

What can be said at all can be said clearly….

—Ludwig Wittgenstein

Good writing doesn't have to be spare.

But don't drown your readers in a flood of unneeded words.

When you've used more words than you really need to express your meaning, delete the redundancies, such as those in italics in the following examples:

“adequate enough

“few in number

advance planning”

trained professional”

close proximity”

“big in size

past history”

“sufficient enough

final outcome”

habitual custom”

violent explosion”

true facts”

total annihilation”

universal panacea”

“weather conditions

“widow woman

“undergraduate student

“protrude out

“termed as

“separate apart

“classified into groups

“filled to capacity

“green in color

and so forth. Got the idea?

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Copyright ©2007 Donna K. Reeder